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Saturday, May 15, 2010 @1:32 AM

The date is getting nearer... But I somehow don't feel much about it. I know I'll never be prepared so I just go in and see how thing goes inside.

I'm damn tired to keep making myself full of activities and made myself so fucking tired everyday...

I'm tired to act I'm happy...


Friday, April 30, 2010 @1:17 AM

F**ked up... Wants to dance yet Don't dare to dance...

Thursday, April 29, 2010 @1:08 AM

It's time to go for NS 2 full years. WI got informed about my enlistment after my 21st birthday chalet. I was seriously emo to the max.. It's like suddenly I feel that my life has a turning point soon and really, it's damn soon as my enlistment date is 20th May... Emo at the same time, I was quite excited about my BMT because I can see some hope in taking part for Danzation 2011. Just a tiny hope that I can able to take part, hoping that I can get posted to 8-5 duty after my BMT. But anyhow we'll see how it goes for me.. Just having a mixed feeling about NS enlistment.. How my life will change?

For now, I just want to enjoy what I'm doing.. Be it going out with friends, buddies, peers, family or slacking around doing nothing or dancing. I just want to keep doing things that I enjoyed a lot before going into NS. Because I know, once my NS starts... There'll be a lot of restriction in my life, I cannot be able to dance as what I've been doing, cannot be able to go out with friends to chill, supper or play around until late night as what we've been doing since secondary days.

That's why sometime I'm quite affected when people around me tells me "Why dance? Stop dancing, dance for what?" Don't know.. I just very affected by this when I heard about it.... Maybe to people, it does not have any significant to them. But to me, it have a lot of memorises for me, it's like a turning point in my poly life where I really found something I loved doing it despite sometime it's tough and tired along the way. But I still love it a lot.. For this 1month, I have tried to stop dancing because I hurt my back veins ( don't know how it got hurt ). Be it going gym, slacking, working, running... I don't feel that level of enjoyment when I'm doing it unlike dancing... I know I'm not good in dancing thus in future, dancing might not help me to earn money or wad.. Please.. I just want to dance while I can...

You can emo, angry, cry, pissed off, happy, unhappy, sad, procasinating, disappointed
But don't regret.

Friday, February 26, 2010 @1:06 AM

So fast 3 years poly life is over. Next up will my NS life for 2 years, then maybe going University if there's a chance bah... Damn. Just a blink of eye and I now facing the adult life that I wish that I can avoid that but sad, that's life. Have to think how my future will be after NS .... Headache....
A lot of things to think...
Can I still dance as what I'm doing now?
Can I still chill out with my friends as what I'm doing now?
Can I still be carefree as what I'm for now?

ICT graduation event on 27 Feb at Iluma.
Impresario Final on 6 March at NTU concert hall.
Wish me good luck!!
Wish everything goes smooth for us....

Wednesday, December 2, 2009 @4:03 AM

Couldn't sleep again.....

Watched 2012! It was a great movie since I'm like so long never watch movie liao... But this movie is having it's last screening tml so if you haven't catch, DON'T Miss IT!!! hahaa!! Quite exciting and somehow, after you watched the movie.. You'll have an idea that it might (better not la) actually come true man.. Because what happened in the movie is like somehow realistic to me..

After watching 2012, I looked back and reflect...
Life is actually quite short if you never realise maybe I'm turning 21 next year... And it is fragile too, because we never know what might happen in the next second and human being can just go like that.. Maybe the person you saw walking past you this morning and you never know, you might never get the chance to see that person again *Touch wood*... But this is life....
Since the life we are having is so short and fragile... why still hesitate on issues like "saying hello, showing concern and care,etc.." if you had hesitated before, STOP hesitating because you never know that moment of hesitate you had, might make you regret in your life...
In the movie, got one scene showed this white old guy who did not see his son for quite many years because of his own stubbornness(I suppose) but after knowing about the world disaster, he made a call. His grand daughter picked up and passed the call to his son. His son hesitated a while to pick up the phone. When he did picked up the call, before he could talk to the old man, the earthquake hit his area and everything cut off.... This scene hit me the most throughout the movie.... Maybe I had the same situation happened... When she's still present I took her care and concern for granted throughout the 13 years.... Before I could tell her that I love her all these 13 years in my life but I guess it's too late....

The day we stopped caring for each other is the day when we lose humanity

Jogging Time ! I heard morning jog is good for health!
Bye People !

Monday, November 23, 2009 @12:03 AM

Everything seems so true

Thursday, November 19, 2009 @1:55 AM

1 more day to RED CAMP performance! Excited about the performance but I’m more worried about myself unable to perform even better than the full runs we had for these weeks. But heck it, it’s not the time to think about all these negative things la! Law Of Attraction…. Let’s Jia You and Do Our Best on the stage !

I got a short hair!!! SHORT SHORT HAIR!!!! Actually, not really those very short kinds but to me it’s short (: But really, no more long hair!!! hahaha! Quite shiok to have a short hair. It’s so much cooler now and no distraction to my eyes and to me when I’m dancing!!

Today class was damn shiok to me! Doing basic!!! It’s like quite long since I do those basic like bounce all that and after today, I definitely need to work extra hard for this. I need to bend more for my body!!!! BEND BEND BEND BEND!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 @11:56 PM

2 More days to RED CAMP!!!!!! Just had a full run at convention, did some stupid mistakes… PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!! ha ha ha, but now recap back quite funny as in my reaction at that time really Sian diao…

Spent the whole afternoon at woodlands library to discuss with Raven, Zhi Heng and Jackson regarding the presentation and also, do some final touch up to the web portal before pushing it to beta testing. Phew… Until now, I still have quite a number of tasks on hand to settle for the presentation to add more points to the function and system in the web portal… After this presentation, let’s hope that we can move this web portal thing aside and focus on new and better idea that have a better market value because this web portal for doctors really quite cmi as the doctor doesn’t reply our mail or what… Sian.. Want us to do but don’t want to help…

I GOING TO HAVE MY SHORT CUT HAIR!!! This time GUARANTEE is SHORT!!! After these days, I’m quite determined to get a short hair so that it’ll be less distraction for me when I dance or any other stuffs and it’ll be much cooler !!!! hahahaha

Ok, I guess I’ve to go back to my work if not I cannot deliver the things I want to…

Ciao (:


Saturday, November 14, 2009 @9:17 AM

Just not right. I'm resting. And I hate this.

Friday, November 13, 2009 @8:54 PM

Finally, I’ve decided to give myself a rest… Until now then I realise it’s so hard to make a decision to let myself to have a rest despite the other me wants to go training and class. It’s like body wants to have a rest but mind wants to keep chiong because 19 Nov is coming!!!

These days have been quite a busy period, didn’t have enough rest. I HATE being sick… The feeling is sooooooo damn not shuang… But finally, our TIP web portal is going for Beta testing this week and the coding is about there just that it needs a bit of touch up and everything should be fine for testing. Luckily, the web portal is undergo beta testing then I can have a bit of rest before continue to improvise the web portal. Hope everything will go smoothly then I can rest even MORE!!! Hahaha!

Actually, I don’t know what to update… Next time if I can think of more stuffs to talk den I will write more (:

Raining season !! Please take care man, don’t be like me.. A few drops of rain + a journey in air-con bus from Queenway to Ngee Ann can kill me with fever and sore throat…. –.-

And lastly !!!
Everyone in RED CAMP don’t be too upset!! Even though there’s not much time left to 19 Nov but I believe we can do it!!! Don’t lose the faith!!!! But, also bear in mind la, faith alone would not do the magic, WE HAVE TO KEEP JIA YOU & JIA YOU then we can see that MAGIC!!!!!!

People who changed the history.
You make the letters.
The letters don’t make you.

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yan.soon 彥順

C==('.'Q) . Mr.Boxni
ngee ann polytechnic
business information technology
